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The entire room of the artificial intelligence climate room is designed as a modular structure that is easy to install, maintain and move. The connection of the steel plate was taken by bending, riveting, and then using a new double combination adhesive. It does not leak or leak steam under high temperature and high humidity. The chamber body is a flat top structure. The main room is set up. Under the static pressure box. The main circulation adopts the airflow organization with full-hole feeding and full-hole plate return; the jacket airflow is sent along the upper part of the jacket from the back to the front, and the back part of the jacket is returned from the front to the back. This causes the main circulation flow direction to be substantially perpendicular to the jacket circulation flow direction. The above airflow pattern helps to improve the uniformity of the temperature field. A new type of electric heated shallow steam humidifier was designed. Fast heat, fast steam supply, low inertia, small volume of humidifier, small heat loss. Electronic circuits are used to automatically control the humidifier water level and there are redundant measures.
The artificial intelligence climate room control system takes APPLEn as the main engine, the system contains three control channels - the main room temperature control channel, the main room humidity control channel, the jacket temperature control channel. In the system, heating is electric heating, humidification is electric humidification, and uniform continuous control. Refrigeration and dehumidification need to start the cold machine for switch control. In order to select the cooling capacity, the main cooling and the folder cooling are divided into three levels. Due to temperature and humidity as the slow variables, in order to simplify the circuit and debugging, the scheme of sharing the amplifier and A/D converter was adopted, and the sample-and-hold circuit was omitted.
Through practical application experiments, it has been found that the intelligent control of the artificial intelligence climate room does not depend on the mathematical model of the controlled object. It can make full use of human experience knowledge, skills and intuitive reasoning, and is worthy of promotion and application.
The artificial intelligence climate room is a large-scale experimental equipment that can adapt to the natural environment and can simulate the natural climate change. In the long-term research process, the control system of the artificial climate room is a multi-variable cosmopolitan system, and whether or not it depends on the accurate mathematical model to perform artificial intelligence on such systems remains to be studied. The artificial intelligence climate room has fully adopted the artificial intelligence scheme and achieved success. Compared with the PID scheme, the debugging workload is saved by about 5/6, the control index is excellent, and the robustness is greatly enhanced.