China Drying News reported on November 21st from the Shanxi Province Activated Carbon Industry Association that Shanxi Xinhua Chemical Company's sulfur denitrification activated carbon production standard was determined as the national standard for desulfurization and denitrification of activated carbon. In the future, the desulfurization and denitrification activated carbon used for the purification of air pollutants will have a unified national standard. It is reported that the activated carbon dry desulfurization process developed by Shanxi Xinhua Chemical Company is not only conducive to the recovery of resources, and the by-product sulfuric acid can be used again, and it is small in area, less in water, and can be automatically controlled. At present, the dry desulfurization of the sintering furnace of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Group has adopted the company's desulfurization and denitrification of activated carbon, which can purify 2.5 million cubic meters of industrial waste gas per hour. The removal rate of sulfur dioxide reaches 96%, and the removal rate of nitrogen oxides reaches 70%. The dust removal rate reached 99%, and emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, etc. dropped drastically. During the implementation of the project, it won two national invention patents, and won the first prize of the 2011 outstanding science and technology project in Taiyuan, and was included in the 2011 Taiyuan International Science and Technology Cooperation Project.
Steam header belongs to the category of pressure vessel, its pressure capacity, volume should be corresponding to the supporting boiler. The main compression elements are head, housing, etc.
Boiler Manifold Headers,Oil Boiler Parts ,Boiler Steam Header,Gas Boiler Parts Jinan Yuanda Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. , https://www.ydboilerpart.comBoiler Steam header is the main supporting equipment of the boiler to distribute the steam generated by the boiler operation to various pipelines, it also serves as a reservoir that feeds steam to the individual heating circuits. The boiler steam header must be large enough to virtually eliminate pressure drop between the boiler and the beginning of the circuit.