Technical articles of industrial RFID application (6): Explore the core of AGV car: the working principle and common problems of RFID landmark sensors

CK-G06 is a low-frequency RFID landmark sensor independently developed by Guangzhou Chenkong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. It is mainly used in the field of AGV carts and warehouse management. This type of product uses Free Procotol to write programs and integrates part of the RF communication protocol. According to the model difference, users only need to connect through RS232 or RS485 serial port, and receive and send data can be used conveniently without understanding complex RF communication protocol.

The red LED is the power indicator. When the card reader is powered on, the red LED is always on. The card reader enters the automatic tuning state and tunes its own circuit parameters according to the working environment , so that the impact of the external environment on the card reading distance is minimized. , Further enhancing its own anti-interference ability , with high receiving sensitivity, stable performance, strong reliability and other characteristics.

The green LED is the label indicator. When the reader reads the label in the sensing area, the data is sent through the serial port and the green LED lights up. When the label leaves, it goes out.




The working mode is AutoRead mode, Resend mode and Reread mode. When the card reader is powered on, the card reader works in AutoRead mode. At this time, when a tag is in the sensing area, the card reader reads the information in the tag and decodes it. After sending the decoded tag data twice through the serial port, the data is not sent until the tag leaves the re-entry area or reads a new tag.

The card reader supports both EMID and FDX-B electronic tags. The data format after decoding is as follows: [Start code] + [Tag type code] + [Decimal card number] + [ RCC check] + [End code ] For example: “ $ F9180000178111247F # ”, “ E ” is EMID format, “ F ” is FDX-B format, “ 918 ” is country code, “ 00 ” is zero padding data, “ 0017811124 ” is label data, “ 7F "Is the RCC check code.


The ReSend mode can send the ReSend command to the card reader , and the card reader will send the tag data read last time again, which is suitable for the case that pc or plc accepts the data sent by the card reader for the first time wrong.

The data format of the ReSend command is as follows: [Start code] + [Command code] + [End code], the complete ReSend command code: " $ S # ".


ReRead mode can send ReRead command to the card reader , the card reader will scan the sensor area again, and will scan the label

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